The CULNC development squad was first introduced last year to provide an opportunity for students wanting to some higher standard netball with more flexibility than the CULNC squads. This year, ‘dev’ squad has grown in strength and number as our new development squad officers on the CULNC committee have been coaching weekly 90 minute sessions for over 30 players. With longer sessions and regular coaching, the players have improved massively throughout the season and are loving the chance to play competitive netball again. As well as these Saturday sessions, we also had our first ‘dev’ squad match, giving our players the chance to put their coaching into practice. The 12 players selected put out a great fight and won the match 27-25!
To end our final session of term, the squad celebrated with mince pies and hot chocolate, which gave us a chance to announce some exciting news to the players… the first dev squad Varsity match! This will be against the Oxford Dev Squad, at the Cambridge Sports Centre the evening before the other four matches on the 25th February. We’re so impressed by the talent and commitment of our dev squad players and can’t wait for them to show O*xford who’s boss!
Clodagh Bottomley
Development Squad Officer