Cambridge University Ladies’ Netball Club
Welcome to CULNC!
Hello, I’m Izzy and I am the CULNC Club Captain for the 2024-25 season! CULNC is one of the largest and most popular female sporting clubs in Cambridge and has a really welcoming, inclusive and friendly atmosphere.
We consist of 4 teams: the Blues, Jays, Swallows and Wrens who have regular training up to 4 times a week and all of whom compete in weekly BUCS matches. We also have a team, the Robins, who take part in a few local matches, who is chosen from our Development squad who also train once a week.
The highlight of the year is always our Varsity match against Oxford which takes place in Lent term. All 5 teams compete and this year we will be training hard as usual to ensure we retain the trophy for another year!
As well as the sporting success displayed by CULNC, we have regular fun club socials where players can relax and create strong friendships with their teammates and members within the club.
We are always interested in welcoming new members, and so if you have any questions, please do get in touch!

Izzy Howse – CULNC Club Captain 2024-25


Recent News
Cambridge Varsity Match Squads 2023
Cambridge Blues The Cambridge Blues won an incredible match 51-45 with Lucy Dodd as MVP. Jays The Jays lost a close game 37-38 with Jenny Dunstan as MVP. Lucy Dodd Clodagh Bottomley Lucy Walker Zoe Starbuck Millie Quayle Rachel Mercer Izzy Howse India Foster Millie...
Club Captain’sMichaelmas Round Up 2022
The 2022-23 season so far has been hugely successful for CULNC. With over 70 people at preseason and over 100 sign-ups for trials, the standard of play was extremely high from the outset and selection decisions were extremely difficult. We have a new coach on board,...
Blues Make Strong Return to Tier 1
The Blues have had an intense but enjoyable start to the season. With a huge seven league matches and one cup match in Michaelmas Term, we knew it was going to be a tiring one! I’m immensely proud to say that we finished the term in 3rd place in Midlands Division 1....
Each year we hold trials for the 4 university teams. Preseason will generally run from 19th September- 3rd October and will be hosted at Cambridge University Sports Centre. The 2 weeks will include netball training sessions and fitness to help everyone get back into the swing of things!
Trials are open to all members of the university and we encourage everyone from freshers to post-grads to trial and showcase their best netball. For more information visit the preseason and trials page.
University Netball
The Squads
We run 4 teams at university level, competing in BUCS each week.
The Committee
Meet and get in touch with this year’s committee running the club.
Fixtures and Results
Keep up to date with all the matches from all four teams.
This is Netball
We love our sport and our club. Watch our promo video and listen to our podcast to find out more about CULNC’s activities both on and off the court!
The Netball Varsity Match is an annual match held between the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. The Varsity Match will have four matches with the traditional Cambridge Blues vs. Oxford Blues match, the Cambridge Jays vs. Oxford Roos 2nds team match, the Cambridge Swallows vs. Oxford Emus 3rds team match and the Cambridge Wrens vs. Oxford Koos 4th team match.
This year the match was held in Oxford in February 2022.
College Netball
League Rules
Fixtures and Results
Our sponsors are a very important part of our club. They support us year on year and enable us to compete and train in our sport at the level we do. We are glad to be able to help our sponsors gain access to Cambridge University and our growing club.
As our club grows so does our reach and exposure of our sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring us or giving any help or support, please contact our Sponsorship and Publicity Officer.
Sponsors & Partners