Development Squad

Development Squad- The Robins

The CULNC development squad, newly named the Robins, was first introduced in 2021 to provide an opportunity for students wanting to play some higher standard netball with more flexibility than the four CULNC squads. Anyone can join – no need to trial just get in touch! 

The squad continues to grow in strength and number with weekly sessions coached by CULNC members. We always welcome new additions and have students joining from college teams or having just started PhDs throughout the year. We organise matches against local clubs to ensure everyone in the squad has the opportunity for some match play. 

Highlights so far include a decisive victory against Comberton Netball Club in November, Mince Pies and hot chocolate after our last session before Christmas, and our first indoor training session in preparation for Varsity (see picture). 

12 members of the Development Squad also go on to represent the Robins in our annual Varsity competition against Oxford. 2024 saw a close match in which our Robins were victorious, and we look forward to another fantastic match in 2025!