Swallows vs Bedfordshire 2s
On Wednesday 3rd November the Swallows prepared for their final match of the first half of Michaelmas term. The team took to the court with excitement after some excellent coaching points form captain Georgie Tooth. Staying focussed, the swallows turned their game faces on and the whistle blew. Some excellent midcourt defending from Federica Bonato Tazartes, Alis Francis and Eleanor White saw the ball being turned over and swiftly taken into goal by Elizabeth Lord at GS.
After more turnovers and brilliant movement down the court, the Cambridge Swallows were soaring up with a lead of 23-2 at quarter time. The Swallows continued to play well throughout the next two quarters and Bedford maintained their energy and drive throughout the match. Going into the final quarter the score was 71-9 and the team decided to focus on timing movements and ball placement in order to secure an even larger win.
The final tense goal by Katherine Heylen saw the score reach triple digits, and the team celebrated their 100-13 win. It was a well fort game by Bedfordshire who mentioned that the Swallows were the nicest team they had played in the league yet and that they were looking forward to their team bonding night back at home. Similarly, the Swallows celebrated their amazing win with a winning Wednesday team social and a brilliant start to week 5.